Bus Bench Program Fact Sheet

What is the Bus Bench Program?
The Bus Bench Program is a franchise agreement between the City of Los Angeles and Insite Street Media, LLC, (ISSM) wherein the City grants ISSM the exclusive right to install and maintain bus benches in exchange for the right to sell and display advertising on the City’s behalf.  Through this arrangement, the City is able to realize the benefit and use of the furniture, and a share of the revenues generated by the advertising component.  The current Program is a successor to the City’s original franchise agreement bus bench program that started in 1999.  The purpose of the Bus Bench Program is to provide additional bus patron amenities beyond those provided by transit shelters, especially in locations where a transit shelter’s larger footprint may not fit on the sidewalk.

What is the term of this contract?
This is a 10-year program.  The City’s Contract with its service provider, Martin Outdoor Media, LLC (DBA Insite Street Media) was initiated on October 4, 2011 and is set to expire on December 31, 2021.  In February 2020, the City executed an option to extend its Program term with Insite Street Media, LLC (ISSM) for an additional 5 years, extending the Program’s term through December 2026.  

How many pieces of furniture are provided through this Program?  
The Bus Bench Program has furnished the City with 6,000 bus benches installed at over 4,000 bus stops (some bus stops contain 2 bus benches); ISSM has also furnished the City with more than 2,000 trash receptacles.

How often are these amenities serviced?
ISSM performs all ongoing maintenance tasks related to the bus benches and trash receptacles it has provided. Program bus benches are inspected a minimum of two times per week and are provided with additional service visits as-needed.  

If you want to report a problem that needs service, please use the link in the “I want to” sidebar menu of this page or call the toll free maintenance request number at (855) 441-1300.

What is the City's cost for the Program?
These services furnished by ISSM are provided at no cost to the City.  All Program costs are paid for through revenues generated by the advertising component of our bus benches.  The City is also able to receive revenues equivalent to nine percent of ISSM’s Annual Gross Revenue Receipts.  To date, the Program has furnished the City with over $3.69 million in revenues. 

Does the program provide other benefits?
The Program also allows the City to access up to 10% of all media panels for the display of City Public Service Programs at no cost.