Does the Bureau of Street Services yards accept solid waste (i.e. construction debris, oversize tree debris, computers, etc.) directly from households?
"No. Residents should go to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) web site at:
It provides the locations and phone numbers where public solid waste is accepted."
Is it possible to request a bus bench or transit shelter at a specific location?
"Yes, we can determine whether the location meets the installation guidelines. Please use the call center number: (800) 996-2489 or dial 311
How can I get a bus bench/transit shelter cleaned?
"Please note the location and call "Shelter Clean Services" at (866) 633-0068 or use the call center: (800) 996-2489 or dial 311.
On some streets, I noticed that the Bureau of Street Services constructed streetscapes such as sidewalk improvements, medians, landscaping and other decorations, what pays for that?
"The Bureau of Street Services Engineering Services Division has a section that specializes in applying for competitive grants. The efforts have been successful and created a relatively steady stream of outside money. That gives us these improvements that the city could not otherwise afford. These outside funding sources could be federal, state, regional, county-wide or private through programs such as, Safe Routes to School, Highway Safety Improvement Program, and Transportation Enhancement Activities Program. To efficiently complete these projects and meet the grant expiration deadlines, these projects use design-build delivery methods and are managed, designed and constructed by Bureau of Street Services crews."
What is the Bureau of Street Services doing to improve bicycle access?
"The Bureau of Street Services Engineering Services Division works closely with LADOT to plan, design and construct Class I bike paths. Some recent projects are extensions of the Los Angeles River bike paths in both the northerly and southerly directions. We are also collaborating on other bike path extensions and implementing bike lane sharrows and other ways to improve bicycle access."